Welcome - Editor of The Post
2 min read

Welcome to our special edition where we bring you important information about the upcoming Local Government Elections this month.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Claudia into her new role with The Post as Editor. It’s my privilege to see Claudia grow in her chosen career and take on greater responsibility within The Post.

Claudia is currently onboarding our newest interns. I welcome them to this edition; Sophie, Hayley and Guangyi.

This edition marks four years we have been in publication, and it’s been an incredible journey getting to know the issues facing our communities as well as celebrating local heroes, not for profits and charities. It’s been a joy to give a voice to so many through a local independent publication and I have met and friended many like-minded and truly amazing people.

To be able to do this during such difficult and uncertain times, with Covid, has been a huge gift for me and I am grateful. Starting a newsmagazine was never on my protectory, especially with no background in journalism or media. So, needless to say, it’s been hugely rewarding to see this grow.

I also want to thank Ross Carmichael as he’s been one of our many local delivery team and he’s done so with such care and pride.

You will see Claudia’s column at the start of each edition from this point forward and I will write from time to time on issues that I feel drawn to. It’s now time for me to embark on something new with a business I have established which is self-explanatory, ‘Tina Brown Coaching’. There is a piece within this edition explaining who I will be coaching.

I wish all candidates well for a smooth election run and will keenly watching for the outcomes across our communities. Local government is incredibly important.

I am delighted to see such a wonderful selection of mayoral candidates stand for Hornsby Shire Council this time round in particular.

Janelle McIntosh makes a wonderful candidate for Mayor of Hornsby and I wish her every success in the coming election.

I’d like to say a fond farewell to the Mayor of Hornsby Shire, The Honourable Philip Ruddock. I first met the Mayor as I newly set about getting to know the community and it was in fact at Thornleigh Squash Centre where I was covering the new upgrades they had received from the state government.

During my time with The Post, the engagement that I’ve received from Hornsby Council has been steadfast and this has been a stable and respected Council under Mayor Ruddock’s leadership. I wish our Mayor Mr Ruddock every success with whatever he wishes to embark on next. I’m sure it will continue in his lifelong theme of community and service.

You can read our tribute to Mayor Ruddock in this edition.