World Menopause Day

The Senate handed down its recommendations following a recent menopause inquiry, where 25 recommendations were given, with a common theme of education and awareness.

When I started educating my clients (and anyone who would listen to me) about menopause five years ago, I would get one of two responses:

“Menopause…. Oh I’m not there yet” or a brief nod and a quick change of subject.  One man even said, “Oh that’s women’s business.”

Yes, and no: menopause affects every woman directly, and everyone around her indirectly, and knowledge of this hormonal transition can have a huge impact on everyone.

When women know what menopause is, how it can manifest and what treatment options are available to them, then they are better able to seek the right support and solutions for themselves.

There are many symptoms, and various treatment options including lifestyle, and different medications and supplements.  Lifestyle considerations include diet, exercise, stress management and sleep.  It may sound simple, but our bodies function best on a well-balanced diet, daily exercise, and a good night’s sleep.

Education can help remove social stigma, embarrassment and misunderstanding, both on a personal level and in the workplace.

When we know better, we can choose better for ourselves and how we support others.

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