Celebrating Romance with Australian Indie Authors at the North Shore Book Affair!

In the age where social media has hijacked our attention spans, where does that leave the simple pleasure of reading a good book? It’s an activity that, in recent years, we’ve forsaken for social media, but one cannot forget that the act of page turning has nevertheless kept us engaged for centuries. 

For casual readers and devoted fiction lovers, ‘The North Shore Book Affair,’ would love to introduce all readers to the romance genre. This special event is the first of its kind for all romance enthusiasts and book lovers alike in the North Shore.

Romance authors upcoming and established are inviting you to participate on the 28th of September at the Park View Room, 1 Pottery Lane, Lane Cove, from 10am to 1pm.

Attendees will be meeting some of Australia’s finest indie authors, from best sellers to award winning novelists. Amber Jakeman, Lisa Foster, Michelle Montebello, Carrie Clarke, Karen Lieversz, Vicki Hilton, Keighley Bradford, Brooklyn Dean, Cate Lane, and event organiser Tania Gold will all be present.

With the purchase of your ticket, participants could be the lucky winner of a Kindle.

The North Shore Book Affair is the proud brainchild of Lane Cove local author, Tania Gold.

“It’s a perfect time for us to see our audience, our readers. I’m a big believer in book signings. Especially with everything being on social media now,’ says Tania. “It’s amazing to see your readers in person, to hear their voices, to get to know them, learn their names. It’s an incredible feeling.”

As it stands, literature consumers need more personable ways to access literature beyond the digital sphere. There are potential goldmines of literary works that are being overlooked and simply lost in abyss of the internet. This event and its authors cater to various genres encompassed by the romance category.

“From rom-coms, to steamy contemporary books, newer adult books, romantic suspense and domestic thrillers… we covered a lot of ground. There’s something for everyone,” says Tania.

Tania published her first novel in 2021 and recently published another creative work in April of this year. She describes her romance genre as contemporary and paranormal romance (think The Lost Boys, The Vampire Diaries and our Lord and Saviour, Twilight.)

“I felt that I haven’t seen a lot of romantic fiction in my areas, with the events that we have in the North Shore, they are more fiction and non-fiction related,” continues Tania.

The North Shore Book Affair stands to support its local community as well as the importance of romance literacy. Here, readers can connect with fellow book enthusiasts and discover new literary gems along the way.

Tania Gold and the other esteemed authors hope to speak on the day and give insights into their writing styles and journeys as novelists thus far.

Tickets are available for purchase on the day.

For ticketing information about The North Shore Book Affair, visit

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