Hornsby lga
Update on The High School Dilemma in Hornsby Shire

In our April edition we featured a story about families struggling to find adequate schooling options for Hornsby Shire children.

You may recall many residents took to various social media pages venting their frustration and confusion over the lack of transparency and action by Local Member for Hornsby, Matt Kean.

The Post has subsequently sought feedback from the NSW Government in relation to this matter. We have asked about the feasibility study we were advised was initiated approximately two years ago by Mr Keans’ office. It’s going to be of no surprise for you to read now that in fact there was never a formal feasibility study undertaken. How puzzling!

At this time, we have not reached out to the Member for Hornsby for comment. The reason for this is that his office was unable to assit with any of our enquires over the past two years in relation to this matter. However, we have received feedback from the NSW Department of Education.

A spokesperson has stated “The NSW Department of Education has consulted the local community to understand what it wants from its local high schools and ensure we’re providing the right schooling options for a growing population in the Hornsby-Berowra area.

This consultation gave the community a chance to voice opinions on existing co-educational and single-sex options.

We have had a tremendous amount of interest, with sold-out workshops and more than 4000 responses.

The consultation was completed on May 10 and the department is currently reviewing results.”

The Post will stay in close contact with the NSW Department of Education to bring you the information that the Local Member for Hornsby appears unable to deliver for his constituents.

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