Wombats are winners!

Willoughby Council make local school crossings safer

WILLOUGHBY City Council was awarded a Highly Commended for Excellence in Road Safety Engineering for the School Children Safety Wombat Crossing Program by the Institute of Public Works Engineers Australasian (IPWEA) State Conference in March 2023.

Willoughby’s wombat pedestrian crossing program has been funded through the Federal Stimulus School Zone Infrastructure Program, with funding of $1.95M received from both state and federal governments.

The program has seen 12 raised “wombat” pedestrian crossings installed including upgrades to 10 existing crossings and two new crossings.

This large program of work was delivered over 18 months with extensive community and stakeholder engagement throughout to ensure effective project delivery and positive safety outcomes.

Wombat crossings installed near schools are used throughout Willoughby. The new crossings are located adjacent to schools or on routes used by school children to walk to school.

They give pedestrians right of way and increase pedestrian visibility. The elevated speed hump and 25km/h speed limit signs, help to ensure vehicles slow down and stop for all pedestrians including school children.

The upgrade improves safety for all pedestrians both during and outside school zone times.

The enhanced safety created by the Wombat Crossing Program also encourages walking to school through better safety and greater amenity.

Wombats are definitely winners!

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