Premier Minns in Local Members Bad Graces
1 min read

Recent Chris Minns’ Government fumbles have had local Liberal members shaking their heads.

Member for Davidson, Matt Cross, is vocally disappointed in Minns’ consideration of new two-way tolling options for the Harbour Bridge and Harbour tunnel.

Recommendations for two-way tolling come from the Independent Toll Review by Allan Fels and Dr David Cousins. Altering the current tolling method would, in effect, provide relief to Western Sydney travellers and create a more equitable tolling system.

Premier Chris Minns entertaining this recommendation is at the behest of the Member for Davidson.

‘Before the election, Chris Minns said “there should be no more new tolls on existing roads”,’ says Matt Cross MP. ‘Today he refuses to rule out a two-way tolling on the Harbour Bridge and Tunnel. The rising cost of living is the number one issue in our community, and new tolls will not help.’

Matt Cross MP asserts that this broken promise is another example of Labor’s disregard for Sydney’s north, along with defunding projects as with the $36 million for Westleigh Park and almost $10 for Lindfield commuter party.

Other Minns’ broken promises have stirred Member for Willoughby, Tim James.

Labor had announced that the Sydney Metro opening would be on Sunday the 4th of August. In preparation for this, a new bus timetable to connect bus and metro services were arranged.

However, the 4th of August came and went with the Metro not opening, delayed by the Minns’ Government with no new opening date on the horizon.

‘This is mismanagement writ large – a real mess of the Labor Government’s making. Surely there should have been certainty around the opening date before announcing it to the community,’ says Tim James MP. ‘This fails the test of common sense and basic competence. The bus changes relied upon the Metro opening. Many bus services have been cancelled or routes changed to coordinate with the Metro.’

Tim James suggests that unions are “calling the shots in this government”, and mismanagement is the unfortunate result.