Lack of Safety Consideration remains as Thornleigh Station Upgrades

THE East-Thornleigh Safety Group (ETSG) is advocating for improved pedestrian safety and accessibility to Thornleigh Station. For almost two years, the group has been raising awareness of the safety and accessibility hazards that surrounds Thornleigh’s central transport hub.

It’s important to note that there is an ongoing station upgrade at Thornleigh train station with three lifts being installed so those less-mobile people can access the trains. Whilst the community is appreciative of this upgrade its important to highlight there are still issues that need to be addressed.

On Friday 5th of August, I travelled to Thornleigh to meet with Paul Keighery, head of the Thornleigh Safety Group to see firsthand, what concerns need to be addressed.

 I don’t visit Thornleigh often but during my trip I immediately noticed that there was one particular spot with multiple safety hazards notably, Railway Parade, below the Thornleigh Footbridge.

The entrance to Thornleigh Station via Railway Parade, which is currently closed due to the station upgrade, could be a scene of disaster as the regular traffic that flows down this strip of road does not correlate with the fact that many commuters will be crossing that road to catch their train.

Firstly, the footbridge steps conclude basically kerbside to the busy road, with possibility of people/wheelchairs/pushchairs falling down the steps and into the road. 

Secondly, despite the stop sign placed on the corner, many cars I witnessed did not obey the sign, and according to Paul, this is a common occurrence.

The council and Transport for NSW has approved placing a pedestrian crossing from below the footbridge, across Railway Parade, to the entrance to the laneway that leads to Thornleigh Station.

However, the East Thornleigh Safety Group argues that the pedestrian crossing proposed by TfNSW will cause the loss of commuter drop-off parking spaces, as well as confusion for shoppers and business owners in Railway Parade on the eastern side of the station.

Transport for NSW spoke on the matter stating, “safety has and will continue to be a priority throughout the delivery of the Thornleigh Station upgrade. The upgrade will provide a better experience for customers by delivering a station precinct that is accessible to people with a disability or limited mobility, parents/carers with prams and customers with luggage. We will be installing a new raised pedestrian crossing, and providing one new accessible car park and a new kiss and ride zone at Railway Parade, as part of the upgrade to the Station, which is expected to be completed in 2023.”

There are many other concerns that the East Thornleigh Safety Group have concerns over. There is the limited accessibility to the train station from the east side of Thornleigh as there is a lack of safe crossings over Pennant Hills Road. The Thornleigh footbridge’s narrow and steep steps and the unsafe positioning of the steps and ramp that lead to the footbridge. Also, the further accessibility limits that may be caused by the zoning developments that are set to start construction soon.

Paul and his team have come up with many proposals to resolve this issues however he stated that “Despite promises from TfNSW to meet with the community, there has been no face-to-face consultation with residents since the Thornleigh Station Upgrade project commenced more than a year ago”.

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