Mayor Sam Ngai
2 min read

I’m thankful to the residents of Roseville and Lindfield for re-electing me for the 2022-24 term.

Despite the short council term, a lot has been achieved – especially after becoming Mayor for 2024.

After calling for new blood, we have created the opportunity to review our operations, learn from best practice at other organisations, and adjust our processes to deliver on community expectations.

In the coming year you will see a more cost-efficient council that takes customer service and community consultation seriously, striving to meet the needs of current and future residents while minimising impacts to the environment. So far, we have identified over $100m in long-term cost savings that come from new technology.

I am also keen to provide more housing for future generations, but this must be carefully planned and funded. Our people deserve a great place to live that respects local character and promotes climate resilience.

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For the 2024-28 term I hope for a constructive council that focusses on doing things quickly. Once the Lindfield Hub receives developer signoff, Council’s internal plan has always been to redeploy the Lindfield Team and its learnings to deliver a streamlined Turramurra Hub.

Unfortunately, there were delays in 2022-23 when certain councillors fought over personal issues rather than focussing on public benefit. By late 2023 our staff had negotiated a fantastic deal with the Lindfield developer, but the delays had taken their toll. The state government used the delay as an excuse to kill the Lindfield project in its current form. The Turramurra Hub became collateral damage (own goal), as did the Marian Street Theatre whose funding source came from Lindfield. It was frustrating to see pettiness in 2022-23 kill three projects simultaneously.

With new population projections comes increased rates revenue. In May 2024 Council unanimously resolved to consider what this means for the feasibility of the Turramurra, Gordon, and Lindfield Hubs. We now have another chance to deliver these projects plus Marian Street in 2024-28 if we move quickly and decisively in the community interest. Or we can have four more years of delay.

Your vote matters so please use it wisely.

Authorised by Sam Ngai, Suite 18, 12 Tryon Road, Lindfield NSW 2070