School Commemorates Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with Breaking Ground Ceremony
1 min read

ON Tuesday the 20th of September, The Post visited Mount Ku-ring-gai Public School to attend their breaking ground, tree-planting ceremony. This ceremony was organised by the schools P&C committee and was held to commemorate Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's 70 years of service.

Julian Leeser MP, the school’s principal Mrs Greta Hughes and the school captains attended and officiated the ceremony along with the school parliament, P&C and local community members. 

Originally, the ceremony was organised in celebration of the late Queen’s platinum jubilee. However, in the wake of her passing, the ceremony and the first planted tree serve, as Mr Leeser stated, as “not only a commemoration of her jubilee but a long-lasting monument to her service”.

Mr Leeser planted the first tree with assistance from the students. 

Planting these trees also benefits the school greatly as despite being a small and secluded community school it sits right near the freeway causing a great deal of noise outside the grounds. The trees will serve as an extra boundary for the school to create more separation from the busy road.

There are still 148 trees to be planted. Locals can attend a working bee at the school on Sunday the 9th of October to plant the rest of the trees.